I started the My Life For The Code podcast back in 2015 with the hopes of connecting software developers with stories and insights from other software developers. I succeeded to do this in my short 23 episode run, hearing from some amazing guests who I am eternally grateful to for sharing their time with me and the listeners.

The time commitment for editing and the success of the very similar Developer on Fire podcast lead me to abandon creating new episodes in early 2016. Since then I’ve been paying to keep the show alive on Libsyn with the belief I would one day resurrect it from the grave and build it into something new. After 2 years of holding on I’ve decided to finally close down this hosting and formally end the podcast. I’m moving the episodes over to my blog and you should still be able to listen to them using the links in my posts.

Recently, my mastermind group and I have been discussing the concept of taking care of yourself and tightening up the basics to have a solid foundation for building something new. I’ve started to enact changes to clean up and commit to or commit not to do the things that have been weighing on my psyche for some time. I’m “Cleaning Out The Closet”, so to speak.

There are a number of ways this has taken shape. I finally bottled a carboy of cider I’ve had fermenting for months. I started working on getting a MonoGame version of PixelVision8 working. I’m running the a game jam centered on MonoGame, MonoGameJam, later this month. As I think of more I’m going to take action to get them off my mind. Closing out the hosting for the podcast is one of those things.

Would I ever podcast again? Maybe, I have the itch to do so, but only if I found someone to do the editing and I had a cohost. I wouldn’t want to spend my time editing a podcast weekly. I also don’t want to do it alone. If I were to start another it would probably be related to game programming or game engine development.

With that, I’ll close with a thank you to everyone who listened to and supported the podcast when it was active. Thank you!